Saturday, May 21, 2011

The End of the World As We Know It

There was a lot of hype on the internet about the “world” coming to an end today. If you are reading this, obviously that didn’t happen. Many people went into fear about it though.

What DID happen however was that there came an end to the world as we have known it for thousands of years. For far too long, we humans have thought that we could take responsibility for the welfare and reality of others. We’ve expended energy attempting to fix folks who didn’t want to be changed as well as trying to change folks who did want it but were unwilling or unable to take responsibility for their actions and do any of the work required to make a shift in their situation.

Well, those days are gone folks! It just won’t work anymore. The rubber meets the road starting today, and if you want to create a better life for yourself, you have to participate in it! What will that mean? First and foremost, if you need help you will have to ASK for it. Amazingly, when we break out of denial and ask for assistance, it actually comes our way. It even comes from unexpected sources—a financial gift from a friend to help make the rent, a spontaneous healing from the Universe, or just a note of kindness from someone you thought had forgotten you. Second, you have to shift your focus from negative thoughts into what you actually want to manifest in your life—this means staying conscious and present. You have to stay in your body and be in the world if you want to receive from it. And finally, you must stay in a space of gratitude for everything you do have if you want to receive more.

Gratitude is truly the key to everything. If you are feeling lost or disconnected, take a minute to make a list of your blessings and give thanks for each one. You will be amazed at how quickly that small act will turn the tide and generate a new sense of connectedness. We are truly going through an unprecedented time of change, so in order to integrate this, many times we DO feel a little lost, but this won’t last long if you just follow the guidelines of the Universe.