Monday, February 28, 2011


Everything in the Universe is constantly moving, and much of the time the movement is circular in nature. In fact, even time is circular—not linear. But we as humans are conditioned to look at things in a linear fashion, past-present-future and in numerical order. Cause and Effect is circular. Scientists have always known that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, but the rest of us think that only applies to science, certainly not to everyday life! WRONG! So we move through our lives doing the things we do and saying the things we say never realizing that as soon as the action has begun, the circle has as well. Sometimes it takes months or years for it to complete the cycle and return back to us. Sometimes it takes several lifetimes…

Recently I had the occasion to experience the power of the circle. I was complaining to one of my friends about something that was happening in my life when I became aware of the words coming out of my own mouth. They were the exact same words that were said to me seven years before by someone else—words that cut me to the core. I stopped myself mid-sentence, realizing what was happening. No longer do I want to be a part of unconscious actions or words that will hurt another. I am tired of the karmic cycle and I consciously choose to step out of it.

This means that I have to be accountable for everything I do and everything I say. A daunting task!

Another of the circles is the circle of life. There’s a school of thought that says that the 24 hours before your birthday is a very powerful time for manifesting what you want for the coming year. Tomorrow is my birthday, so I set the alarm and woke up at the moment I was born, and I am living today in pure consciousness hour by hour. Each two hours represents a month in the year, and this year I intend to step wide awake into my future—one minute at a time, in love, in LIGHT, in gratitude and in total abundance!

Thank you for being a part of my reality!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I'm in the process of reinventing myself! It's a nice thing to do every decade or so - like cleaning out the closet and drawers and giving away all the clothes that haven't been worn in the last five years. With all the energetic changes taking place on the planet today, it only seems appropriate.
In my last blog I wrote about integrity and finding one's truth. That's when I revisited my own core beliefs to see which ones I still resonate with and which ones have lost their meaning for me. I found that I've done a lot of shifting and needed to revise not only my core beliefs, but my mission statement as well.
What became apparent is that for the last few years I have been pushing too hard. I've been focused on building my business, but I have been operating primarily from my solar plexus. All the organs associated with that chakra have become stressed and angry, and my endocrine system has gotten overloaded. I realized that I was working all the time and had lost all definition in my boundaries. For me, the usual red flags happen in my physical self. Don't get me wrong - the hard work is paying off, but at what price?
Conscious creation works best when it is done with the heart center rather than the power center. I have decided that going forward, all my thoughts, creations and focus will come from my heart. The energy is gentler, but it can move mountains! At the same time, I also find those things I desire are being magnetized to me rather than being repelled by the force I was emitting. I'm less stressed, getting better results, and I FEEL better and find more time to play and have fun.
Through the heart we are connected to each other and to all that is. It sure makes it easier to allow it to support me!