Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hangin' On?

One thing I am clear about is that we just aren't supposed to be hanging on anymore - to anything. It's like we are preparing for a global, if not cosmic, garage sale. Everything that doesn't work, that's broken or that is just out-dated has to go.

The most obvious things that most folks don't want to let go of are relationships that have served their purpose. Even ones that are painful, even abusive, seem to be difficult for us to part with. Here's my question: why would anyone settle for an abusive relatioship when being alone would perhaps be happier in the long run? The only answer I can come up with is that we don't realize that an abusive relationship is abusive! Somehow, we fall into the trap of thinking it's normal because we carry old programs that make us believe we don't deserve any better or that we have to suffer and struggle or that we just aren't lovable anyway. BS.

Reality is that as we move further down the path to Ascension, higher in consciousness, it is going to become more apparent (and probably more painful) that we are not supposed to hang on to people, places or situations that aren't supporting our happiness and our highest good. The Universe WANTS us to be happy, not miserable, but each of us must create that for ourselves.

In the end, we will probably not hang on to anything. The doorway to living in bliss, joy, peace and abundance is a very narrow one, and all the excess baggage makes for a tight squeeze!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Stop The B.S.

Most of us are up to our hips in it. We don't know where it came from. We didn't realize we were gettingstuck in it until it was too late. But that is exactly what it is doing - keeping us from moving forward and manifesting all those things we really want in our lives. Bummer!

So what IS all this B.S.? Belief Systems.

Belief systems are one of the most important things we should be looking at at this point on our pathway to Ascension. They have come to us from so many places - religion, our families, the media, modern medicine, school, just to name a few. By and large, we have accepted them without ever questioning their veracity, just because we learned them from some source we considered to be an authority, and we have crafted a whole reality around them. What were we thinking?

In the last two months, almost everything I thought was true has been called into question. The very fabric of my personal reality has been shredded and I'm now in the process of building a new one for myself. But this time, I am doing things differently. I refuse to accept any belief system as true until a) I research it and b) decide for myself whether I resonate with it.

In this way, I'm taking responsibility for what's inside my head and becoming accountable for my own reality. Another part of this for me is that I will no longer try to push my beliefs onto others without making it clear that that's what they are - MY beliefs. I have no problem sharing them, but now I acknowledge that what I teach is my belief and the listener's responsibility is to make their own choices around that.

What can you do to find the B.S. that doesn't serve you anymore? Try making a list of everything you think is true and evaluating each entry within your own heart to see how it resonates. If it doesn't, let it go and replace it with something that does!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Feeling Sluggish?

Many of us have been feeling a bit sluggish recently. The shifting energy (101010 perhaps?) has created this illusion that we are stuck, but that is hardly the case! So much is happening on a planetary level, just outside the realm of our consciousness - and it is all good! This is a time of adjustment, realignment and integration. It's all part of the Universal Guidelines--specifically the one about Rhythm (see yesterday's post as well). The Guideline of Rhythm suggests that there is an ebb and flow to everything. Remember the song from the Byrds from the 60's? To everything there is a season. We have periods of activity and they must be followed by periods of rest.

So it is with consciousness raising and enlightenment--we have just been through a period of INTENSE vibrational shift and now we must rest and allow it all to sort out in our bodies and fields. If we don't stay in alignment with that Guideline of Rhythm, then guess what happens? Nature will push us to slow down! That is when we find ourself getting sick. Our immune systems become weak and the ol' vibrational flu plops us in the bed!

Another piece to this puzzle is astrological actually. We are in a period of planetary influence that occurs every eight years. In the sky, the relationship between the rotation of Earth and the orbit of Venus makes it look like Venus is going backward. Astrologers call this Venus Retrograde. This is a time when we are supported in evaluating ALL our relationships to see which ones work and which ones don't, what's fair and what isn't. This backward pull is also contributing to the sluggishness. It isn't an auspicious time to begin new relationships either, because people who appear in your life now and look "too good to be true" , probably ARE! This transit will continue through mid-November, and then things will begin to move forward once more.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nature's Rhythms

It's a crisp, cool morning at my little cabin in the mountains. Fall is finally here, and as I sit on my deck meditating, I hear familiar rhythms. The woodpeckers are unusually busy today! Their rat-tat-tat reminds me that I can accomplish so much more when I do it in even, consistent steps.

It's so easy to get distracted these days. There is so much going on, isn't there? Alot of the time when I review my Daily Five list at the end of the day, I find I only got to number 3 or 4! When I move with the rhythm of nature, like the woodpecker, and keep my forward motion steady as a heartbeat, I find I get much more done and I feel better as I relax and move toward dreamtime.

What is the Daily Five, you might ask? It's a tool I learned from Robin Sharma as I was preparing to interview him this week about his new book, The Leader Who Had No Title. He suggests that we get up an hour early each day and use that time to meditate and consciously create the happenings of the day. He says to make a list of the top 5 things you want to accomplish. Previously, I might make a to-do lsit of 10 - 20 things and then beat myself up at the end of the day when I ony got 4 or 5 of them done. Now, more often than not, I can complete the list by staying focused and on task and as I lay down to sleep at night I remember that I am a WINNER!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Claim Your Power To Shift Your Own Reality

In these times I often hear people complaining that they are not a) making enough money; b) in the relaionship they want; c) in a job they enjoy or even in a job. They say they are lonely, broke, sick and the list goes on.

We all have the power to change our own reality, but often we forget this because we can't see through the distractions and belief systems that obscure our view of potentials and possibilities. Where do these things come from? Some we learn after we are born, but many stem from lessons of other lifetimes or woundings that happened to an ancestor and that we inherited in our DNA. These old programs helped us to survive, but when we are still using them years or lifetimes later, they become inappropriate and actually cause us to sabotage the results we really want to create.

In order to release old programming, you have to locate and go to the source of its creation. You have to do the release work as if you were actually there in the moment--because remember, the present moment is all there is!

InnerSpeak helps you to do just that. It takes you to the point of judgment, that place where the piece of you that created the block or wound decided not to accept something that happened. InnerSpeak then allows your higher self to guide you through a series of exercises to clear the old program and replace it with a new, more appropriate one. In this way you create a new reality for yourself by letting go of these old belief systems, fears, programs and misconceptions that have held you stuck in a place where you couldn't remember how powerful you are, because in that space, you settle for less than you deserve.

No more settling! If you are ready to take the next step on your path to living your purpose, let me know!