Sunday, May 29, 2016


Here are some things that are just given—we are all co-creators, we are constantly
creating in every moment with every thought, everything that manifests on the physical
plane was first created in a higher reality. Oh, I forgot—we are all multidimensional

What this means is that the stuff that appears to you is your creation, whether it’s
something you like or something you don’t. Once you take responsibility and become
accountable for that, you have a better handle on how to make everything be more to
your liking than the opposite!

You create in many realities. Here are just a few: during your dreamtime, by the words
you speak, with the things you write, even as you sing along to the songs on the radio
(and depending on the type of music you listen to, this can be particularly scary!) The
higher the vibration of the reality you work in, the faster and more accurate the
manifestation you receive.

The problem that many of us encounter is that creation is happening all the time, and
most of the time we are not conscious of what we are thinking. You have hundreds, if
not thousands, of thoughts every minute. Some are happy thoughts, some are worries,
and many are fear-based. Because fear is such a potent emotion, and emotions are
fueler creation, those things that tend to manifest quickly into reality are the fear related
things unfortunately.

Doubt is another form of fear. When you are thinking about what you want, but at the
same time doubt your ability to actually achieve it, you negate that creation. Even
asking questions such as ‘I wonder if this is going to happen’ interjects that energy of
doubt into the process. The same goes for yearning. Think back to when you were a
child and wanted a certain toy for your birthday, for example. If you asked your parents
to get it and let it go, they probably did. If you drove them crazy, nagging, begging, the
results might have turned out differently. Therefore, the lesson here is to trust in the
process. Make your request on the Universe and let it go, knowing that if your desire is
in alignment with your highest good, it will appear in perfect time.

Here are some tips ton assist you in getting  what you want:

 Get very clear on what you want. For example, if it’s a relationship, you have to be
committed to that desire and let go of all the fears around commitment

Call in the assistance of the aspect of yourself that is expressing in the highest
possible reality to support you there in creating what you desire

Give thanks to God (your Higher Power, Spirit, etc.) for already HAVING whatever
you are desiring—as if you already have it

Engage all your faculties in this with excitement and energy. So, write your gratitude
letter, read it out loud with enthusiasm. Sing about it and feel how it feels to receive

Watch for the synchronicities that begin to happen when you set this into motion and
give thanks for every little demonstration that you are getting closer to your desired

This is a tried and true conscious creation method. If it works for me it can work for you
as well

See at more:-Personal Life Coaching sessions | Personal and Life Coaching

Sunday, June 26, 2011


What am I waiting for—and why? Huge question! I am one of the first to be able to identify this trait in others, but I tend t excuse it away in myself. This morning I decided to look deeper into the cause and effect that procrastination has in my life. I found some amazing surprises. Underlying this behavior, I found the root cause to be fear. There were questions there as well:
- What if I can’t?
- Where do I begin?
- What will I do when I am done?
These are all fear-based questions that keep me from focusing on the task at hand. They act like blinders preventing me from seeing all the possibilities and stopping me from taking the first step toward my goal.

I also found that procrastination is viral. Once I allow it to stop a single project or task, it quickly spreads to the next one, and before long I am totally paralyzed, completely off track, and rapidly heading into something either unhealthy, unproductive or both. Some of the time-wasters that pop up for me in this space are Freecell, Facebook, mindless eating or just going to bed. What are your detractors?

The most profound thing I found , however, was the long-term effect of procrastination. I blocks achievement. You can’t win in the game of life if you don’t show up. Even the tiniest task avoided has a ripple effect that halts the flow of manifestation. It actually can keep you from achieving your most desired goal! Everything is connected, but I had never looked at it that way before!

Start with baby steps since everything is connected. Even completing the most minimal task, progresses you towards the attainment of your greatest creation. The more tasks you finish the easier it becomes, not only to begin the next one, but to complete it as well! Start NOW. Every little bit counts, and soon the trickle of energy you expend will become a tsunami you can surf all the way to success.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Did you ever think you would be flying over the rainbow like the bluebird in the song? It never occurred to me that it was possible except perhaps in the realm of fairy tales. I never gave credence to the pot of gold at the end of it either. Every time I searched for it, the rainbow just moved farther away, out of my reach. At some point I just quit looking. I packed up the fairy tales and childhood notions and began to live in a 3D world, one that was ripe with disillusion, disappointment and danger.

Things have changed, however. In the last few years, I have begun to move back into the idealism I had as a child. The more I moved in this direction, the more possibilities began to show up in my world. What if…I could fly? What if…I could have everything I wanted as if by magic? What if…wishing upon a star would bring me love? What if…?

The more I asked these questions and looked for the answers like a child would with eyes wide and filled with innocence the more I began to create what I wanted! And along with this, guess what? All those “what if’s” became “why not’s”!

Today I live in a land where all my dreams DO come true. If I can do this, anyone can!

Make a WISH…

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Navigating This Eclipse Triad

We are in a time of unprecedented cosmic activity! On June 1, we had a solar eclipse and fifteen days later we have a lunar eclipse, then fifteen more days and ANOTHER solar eclipse. In the midst of all this activity is the summer solstice on June 21. Do you feel the pressure? Many are asking “what does all this mean”, and everyone seems to have their own interpretation. For me, it feels like “put up or shut up time”. I think we are being pushed to shed our skins, just like the snake.

Many cultures look at the snake as the metaphor for transformation. We stand at the precipice of not only personal, but global transformation. Our skin doesn’t fit anymore—for many reasons, and the longer we take to shed what is uncomfortable, the more uncomfortable it becomes!

The energies around these eclipses offer is impetus to examine what doesn’t fit in our lives and shed it, all of it. The sooner we do this, the easier the process will be. The other aspect to this eclipse cycle is the energy for building a new reality. We are being supported in the creation of what we truly desire for our lives, but in order to do this we must be clear about what we really want. So take time over the next month to draw up the plans for your new foundation. Push aside everything that is holding you back. The wind is in your sails now—don’t miss a trick!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The End of the World As We Know It

There was a lot of hype on the internet about the “world” coming to an end today. If you are reading this, obviously that didn’t happen. Many people went into fear about it though.

What DID happen however was that there came an end to the world as we have known it for thousands of years. For far too long, we humans have thought that we could take responsibility for the welfare and reality of others. We’ve expended energy attempting to fix folks who didn’t want to be changed as well as trying to change folks who did want it but were unwilling or unable to take responsibility for their actions and do any of the work required to make a shift in their situation.

Well, those days are gone folks! It just won’t work anymore. The rubber meets the road starting today, and if you want to create a better life for yourself, you have to participate in it! What will that mean? First and foremost, if you need help you will have to ASK for it. Amazingly, when we break out of denial and ask for assistance, it actually comes our way. It even comes from unexpected sources—a financial gift from a friend to help make the rent, a spontaneous healing from the Universe, or just a note of kindness from someone you thought had forgotten you. Second, you have to shift your focus from negative thoughts into what you actually want to manifest in your life—this means staying conscious and present. You have to stay in your body and be in the world if you want to receive from it. And finally, you must stay in a space of gratitude for everything you do have if you want to receive more.

Gratitude is truly the key to everything. If you are feeling lost or disconnected, take a minute to make a list of your blessings and give thanks for each one. You will be amazed at how quickly that small act will turn the tide and generate a new sense of connectedness. We are truly going through an unprecedented time of change, so in order to integrate this, many times we DO feel a little lost, but this won’t last long if you just follow the guidelines of the Universe.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Who Am I - REALLY?

We live in a world of identity crisis. Never before in our history has there been so much identity theft. It happens so often that there are actual companies capitalizing on it with identity protection insurance. Even 15 – 20 years ago this would have been inconceivable! Part of the reason this is happening is that life is changing so rapidly now that many of aren’t sure who we are anymore, and this insecurity invites predators to take advantage of it. It’s the Law of Attraction playing out in the negative.

Each of us has a unique energetic signature. This is a frequency that is based on our individual truth, but it can become blurred if we lose sight of what truth is. This energy signature is as unique to us as the watermarked paper our currency is printed on. If we are secure with who we are it’s impossible to counterfeit. If we are not, the door opens to allow fear to become a part of our makeup.

One way to shift this and secure your energy is to do a self-inventory, and you can start this process by defining what is important to you – so important that you would defend it at all cost. These are the components that make up your core value system. Make a list of the values you hold dear—honesty, unconditional love, integrity, peace…and as you create this list, think about each one carefully. Is it truly a part of your makeup, or is it something you have been told that you should have as a part of your standard of living. If it falls into the latter category, it’s someone else’s BS (belief system) and you are lying to yourself about who you really are. Again, according to the Law of Attraction, this will create the energy that will set you up for circumstances you don’t really want to attract—other lies.

There is nothing wrong with using this exercise to grow personally. If you find a value on your list that isn’t part of your makeup, but you are willing to raise your consciousness to allow it to become so, great. You will grow as you stretch to become more than you have been in the past.

As we become more clear about who we are, it’s easier to see our path and direction. Then, when we are no longer lost, our energy signature becomes unique once more and we are protected by our truth, making it difficult, if not impossible for anyone or anything outside ourselves to take this away. As we grow in consciousness and expand our possibilities, we begin to see that we are limitless beings capable of moving past fear and creating miracles in our lives.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Like so many of us, I have been programmed for the majority of my life that I have to be doing something in order to justify my existence. I have gotten really good at doing—been very successful in business and created quite a nice life for myself. But as time has gone on, and I have gotten older, I have discovered how satisfying it can be to just do nothing. I’ve actually become addicted to it! It is an art form, and it is the state that we were truly intended to exist within.

When I first left the corporate world, I found that I had forgotten how to BE. When I would sit on the sofa for a few minutes, I realized that it didn’t take long for all the “to-do’s” to begin to bubble up into my mind and pull me from my reverie. It actually took about six months for this pattern to wear off, so that I could relax into meditation. Additionally, I realized that I had fallen into the trap of working harder in “retirement” than I did at my corporate job! For one thing, I let my boundaries fall away. No longer was I limited by a 9 to 5 paradigm, so when clients would call during dinner or on the weekends, I would take the calls, and it wasn’t unusual for me to be on the computer writing at 10PM in the evening.

When the metaphoric light bulb came on over my head one day, I was aghast! It took some serious reprogramming, but I was able to put my life back into perspective. I don’t have to justify my existence with my work—it is NOT who I am. In fact, if I believe that is the case, then something has gone totally awry! My good friend Patricia told me, “All work and no play makes for some really wound up spiritual people!”

Meditation is a great way to clear the head and just be, releasing the urge to do. Another great place to be is in nature, and these days it’s particularly soothing and grounding to be there. The Universe gives us permission to just be, it will provide everything we require so that we can, in fact. Now, it is our responsibility to give ourselves the same permission. Enjoy it!