Sunday, April 17, 2011


Like so many of us, I have been programmed for the majority of my life that I have to be doing something in order to justify my existence. I have gotten really good at doing—been very successful in business and created quite a nice life for myself. But as time has gone on, and I have gotten older, I have discovered how satisfying it can be to just do nothing. I’ve actually become addicted to it! It is an art form, and it is the state that we were truly intended to exist within.

When I first left the corporate world, I found that I had forgotten how to BE. When I would sit on the sofa for a few minutes, I realized that it didn’t take long for all the “to-do’s” to begin to bubble up into my mind and pull me from my reverie. It actually took about six months for this pattern to wear off, so that I could relax into meditation. Additionally, I realized that I had fallen into the trap of working harder in “retirement” than I did at my corporate job! For one thing, I let my boundaries fall away. No longer was I limited by a 9 to 5 paradigm, so when clients would call during dinner or on the weekends, I would take the calls, and it wasn’t unusual for me to be on the computer writing at 10PM in the evening.

When the metaphoric light bulb came on over my head one day, I was aghast! It took some serious reprogramming, but I was able to put my life back into perspective. I don’t have to justify my existence with my work—it is NOT who I am. In fact, if I believe that is the case, then something has gone totally awry! My good friend Patricia told me, “All work and no play makes for some really wound up spiritual people!”

Meditation is a great way to clear the head and just be, releasing the urge to do. Another great place to be is in nature, and these days it’s particularly soothing and grounding to be there. The Universe gives us permission to just be, it will provide everything we require so that we can, in fact. Now, it is our responsibility to give ourselves the same permission. Enjoy it!

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