Monday, January 25, 2010

InnerSpeakers Unite!

Today we are launching our new blog which will serve as a sound board for InnerSpeakers around the world. The idea is to allow you to send in your questions about past life and ancestral clearing, the InnerSpeak process, spiiritual growth, metaphysics, etc. so that Randy and I can assist you in finding answers.

If you have attended an InnerSpeak class, use the InnerSpeak cards or have every had a session, you will understand most of what I'm blogging about already, but for those who are interested, or who stumble upon this blog and want to know more, I will describe the process for you.

InnerSpeak is a kinesiology based method for clearing away the blocks which hold us back from success in any or all areas of our lives - love, career, finances, health or simply just understanding why you are here and what you are supposed to be doing. We have a website - The protocol consists of 144 "files" of information, each on holding 36 pieces of data - sentences, phrases or words. The facilitator uses muscle testing on the client to allow their Higher Self, or Inner, to communicate what's holding the client back. So, it's like the "language of the Soul". If we knew that language, of course we would always do what our Soul asked us to do, right? And then we would have exactly what we desire in our lives...but unfortuately we DON'T know the language, so we miss the clues and many times create what we don't want, rather than what we do want!

So--let's get started! Send in your questions and comments and every day, Randy and I will do our best to answer them or find the correct subject matter experts to assist you. We are off on a new Soul Adventure!!

Also- don't forget to listen to our radio show every Tuesday on at 8PM eastern time. These shows are also archived and the link to the archives is on the Radio Show page on my website.

Love, Light and Laughter!
Jean Adrienne


  1. Hi Jean, I love the idea of this blog and I hope many will join.
    I have a question: my husband and I have started a small rental business, we have 3 houses, all section 8, which are in the poorer areas of Mobile, AL. I have been having difficulties to deal with the renters. I wonder if this is showing up in our lives as something we have to clear as I understand that nothing happens randomly and that those renters have entered our lives for a reason, to resolve some past issue, I believe. What can I do to help speed up this resolution of that issue?

  2. You are absolutely correct - nothing is random. So do InnerSpeak Card sessions on each difficulty. But as I type this, I am getting that each of the renters represents a facet of either yourself or your husband which needs to be cleared. Isn't it marvelous how you have magnetized them to assist you in your Ascension process?
