Sunday, December 5, 2010

Personal Enemy Number 1 - FEAR

The last two weeks have proved to be quite "interesting" for me. Three weeks ago I began receiving a series of glyphs or pictures in my meditations, and my Guides told me that they were to be used to activate aspects of consciousness. I would see the glyph in my mind and hear its name, then it was my task to draw it. Trust me - artist is not my Day Job! But draw I did. With each glyph it became more fun - and seeing the beauty of them was both reward and validation. By last week, over 90 of them had flowed in through me.

Then things got more interesting - I began to have heart palpitations and irregular pulse. Nothing else in my life had changed, just these pictures. This continued for a week, and I continued to draw. During the day, I didn't notice the pulse problems so much, but at night when I went to bed, it became all too apparent. I got scared. I began to think the worst: am I having a heart attack, a stroke, am I going to die? The more I thought about it the more the fear would tighten its grip.

Finally, when it didn't quit, I called my holistic acupuncturist/chiropractor. I took the glyphs with me for my appointment, and when he tested me with them he said, "When you look at these your entire endocrine system reacts in a negative manner and your blood sugar spikes. You are in energetic overload!"

While I was laying on the table receiving acupuncture, I called in my Guides and said, You have to back off before you KILL me!" They replied, "No, YOU have to back off! We never asked you to bring in six of these a day, but you went into Type A overdrive and pushed yourself like there was a deadline - get it - DEAD line?" This isn't a race. Take your time."

They then proceeded to tell me that the underlying emotion that was making me sick was fear. Fear is not compatible with the higher dimensions of consciousness. Each glyph I drew was activating me in beautiful ways, but I was doing it so fast that my physical body couldn't keep up, and as my body began to push back - fear grew.

We have three choices with respect to fear:
1) We can hang on to it since we seem to be so attached to it, and we will stay stuck in third dimensional reality, with suffering, lack, sickness, war and death as our allies
2)We can try to move into higher consciousness and take our fear with us, but due to the lack of energetic compatibility between fear and the higher dimensions, this will create pain and illness for us
3) We can lay the fear down once and for all time, and move into Heaven on Earth

Once I realized what was happening, I took the 3rd option. I stopped worrying about what might happen and pulled myself into the present moment. My heart returned to normal. The glyphs are resting quietly in their little red folder and shortly I will resume channelling them - one at a time until they are complete.

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