Friday, January 14, 2011


The Universe operates in balance, and if we want to be in alignment with its energetic flow, we must be in balance as well. But how many of us feel like our lives are anything BUT balanced these days? We either find ourselves working too hard, or not having enough work; we either give too much or we don't seem to get anything in return for our "investment". Lately, the energies seem to be chaotic, and many of us are having difficulty grounding.
How can we shift ourselves back into a place of balance? Awareness is the first step. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner landscape, so if things just don't seem to be making sense, rather than going into that "victim place", take some time to look within. Go back over your thoughts for the last few weeks or months to see what might be contributing to this.
Generally the bottom line is fear. When we allow fear to grap our attention, the human reaction is to move into control to try to counteract it. This attempt to control our circumstances is what starts the skid that throws our lives out of balance, and before we know it we are "Out Of Control".
The only technique that really works to restore balance is Surrender. As counter-intuitive as it might sound, letting go allows the Universe to shift this energy and put everything back into alignment once more. How do you surrender? Letting go is the only way. Drop the rope - it takes two to play tug-of-war. Breathe. Release any thoughts that you might be carrying that tell you that you know the best way to do anything. When you step back into that place of child-like innocence, you open the door for miracles to occur!

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