Sunday, March 28, 2010

Assemblage Point

One of the clearings in InnerSpeak mentions to reset the Assemblage Point. Many of you have asked what that means so here is clarification.

The Assemblage Point is the place in your awareness field where perception originates. You find it in your Inner self or your etheric field. It is actually your point of connection to Universal Light. Every time you shift it with your intention, your perception of reality shifts as well. This becomes important as you grow your consciousness, because even though you raise your vibration, without this shift, reality will still appear to be the same!

1 comment:

  1. I thought one could only reset this with help from a they say it is very important to do this the right way....
    I just found a book about it, but I haven't read that, because it is pretty difficult for me....
    But you say you can do this with your intention?
