Sunday, July 25, 2010


What happens when you put your desire out to the Universe and you don't seem to receive the demonstration of it? I, personally, get disappointed. How about you?

Today I asked the Energies of NOW why that is and what to do about it, and here is what I heard:
"You aren't going to like what we have to say about this! It's all in your head (actually stuck in your body/mind/field). This disappointment you feel when you think your request wasn't heard is actually disillusionment. Disillusionment is a dense energy. It takes up more space than many of the other emotions you feel. When you stuff this dark, thick mass away, put it in a corner and don't process it, it grows. Pretty soon you have filled all the available space in your body and field with this spongy material, and guess what? There is no room to manifest the things you asked for, because the flow is completely dammed up. We know you wanted us to say that this person or that thing was the problem...sorry, this is not the case.

It is up to you to clear this energy. Only you can let it go. Why would you want to hold on to it longer, now that you see it for what it is and what it is doing to you? We are here to help, but you must ask first. Ask us to show you where this guck is located in your body and field. We will identify it with sensations. Put your attention on the places where you feel these sensations and let them go--you know the drill: I'm sorry I created you, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. As this denseness leaves your body, you will feel it. When you are complete with the stuck energy inside then examine your field. This disillusionment will look like dark areas in your lightbody. Repeat the process until they are all gone.

Then give thanks!"

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