Friday, October 15, 2010

Claim Your Power To Shift Your Own Reality

In these times I often hear people complaining that they are not a) making enough money; b) in the relaionship they want; c) in a job they enjoy or even in a job. They say they are lonely, broke, sick and the list goes on.

We all have the power to change our own reality, but often we forget this because we can't see through the distractions and belief systems that obscure our view of potentials and possibilities. Where do these things come from? Some we learn after we are born, but many stem from lessons of other lifetimes or woundings that happened to an ancestor and that we inherited in our DNA. These old programs helped us to survive, but when we are still using them years or lifetimes later, they become inappropriate and actually cause us to sabotage the results we really want to create.

In order to release old programming, you have to locate and go to the source of its creation. You have to do the release work as if you were actually there in the moment--because remember, the present moment is all there is!

InnerSpeak helps you to do just that. It takes you to the point of judgment, that place where the piece of you that created the block or wound decided not to accept something that happened. InnerSpeak then allows your higher self to guide you through a series of exercises to clear the old program and replace it with a new, more appropriate one. In this way you create a new reality for yourself by letting go of these old belief systems, fears, programs and misconceptions that have held you stuck in a place where you couldn't remember how powerful you are, because in that space, you settle for less than you deserve.

No more settling! If you are ready to take the next step on your path to living your purpose, let me know!

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