Sunday, November 7, 2010


The first hard freeze hit the north Georgia mountains this weekend, and with it the trees released their colorful fall leaves. As I sat on the deck meditating this morning, I watched them float effortlessly down to the ground. I realized that everything in nature works this way - effortlessly.

Why is it that we humans do things in the totally opposite way? Where did we create this belief system that everything has to be a struggle if it is to be worthwhile? We surely didn't discern this from nature! I don't know how you were raised, but my parents taught me that work had to be complete before I was allowed to play, study hard, work hard, and keep trying until you get what you want. Then along came Jane Fonda in the 70's with her mantra, "feel the burn" and I internalized that even having a healthy body had to be hard work.

Finally, I am waking up. There IS a better way! Back to the basics...What better way to learn than observing in the maountains. Nature is the perfect teacher. Follow her cycles, watch the moon, listen to the wind and the birds. Look for signs - they are everywhere.

This weekend marks a powerful new moon and the opportunity for new beginnings. Have you set your intention for what you want to create this cycle? Wise farmers know to plant their seeds by the dark of the moon. There is still time to plant yours before the moon moves into the crescent phase. You might be surprised at what you will grow, effortlessly when you move hand-in-hand with nature.

On November 9th, the moon will move into her next phase, so stay tuned. My next blog will be about the tools you can use to cultivate what you have planted!

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