Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Sometimes my mind is my worst enemy. I think I know what's best for me and then I get invested in being right. Occassionally I am, but more often than not, there are potentially better prospects I'm not able to see,

So why is that? Because once I think I have things figured out, I quit looking. The blinders go on and I begin forging my way on a fixed path. Most of the time the path is a steep one, complete with bumps, struggle, pain and loss. My ex-husband used to laugh and say, "Don't get in Jean's way once she's made up her mind!"

Life isn't supposed to be so difficult. When we are aware that there is a power greater than us with access to the field of pure potential, then we can allow for choices that are better than the ones we might have made left to our own devices. This "reframing" opens the door for options that are greater, easier and more harmonious.

How can we get there? Only through surrender - through completely letting go of control. That's a challenge for most of us, because we have lived with the belief systems that has made us think that the only way we could ensure survival was through controlling everything.

One day, after years of struggle and failure, I realized the insanity of trying to do everything my way. I saw that this had never really worked for me and decided to give that alternative a shot.

Surrender isn't about losing control of your life. It's about making the conscious choice to give it away. Only then can the Universal Laws work the way they were intended and bring more wonderful things to us than we coud ever have conceived on our own with the least expenditure of energy.

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