Monday, November 15, 2010


Everything and everyone you encounter in your reality is a mirror for reflecting back to you the appearance of your inner landscape. When you perceive the beauty or grandeur in the world around you and it causes you to gasp, filling you with awe, you have just stumbed upon an image of how beautiful you are at the soul level.
On the other hand, when someone does something you perceive to be so incredibly mean or stupid, they are actually mirroring back to you those parts of yourself that you would rather not care to examine - the parts of yourself that you have judged in some way.
Judgment is a frequency that is not compatible with Ascension. It can't exist in Heaven on Earth, therefore we must leave it behind along with the rest of our baggage and inappropriate beliefs and actions. Because we tend to judge ourselves more harshly than we judge others, even though we don't realize it, it's time to dig deeply within to find all the old beliefs we have about ourselves.
How's the best way to do this? Look around. Every time you find yourself criticizing another person check yourself. What is that person showing you about your hidden inner beliefs, your own incompetence, your own meanness, your own lack of integrity?
As you clean up your own stuff, you release everyone around you from the dirty job of being your mirror. You will be amazed at how radically everyone else changes when you do your inner work!
Remember the words of the Master, Jesus, "Clear the log from your own eye before you try to remove the speck from your brother's!"

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