Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hangin' On?

One thing I am clear about is that we just aren't supposed to be hanging on anymore - to anything. It's like we are preparing for a global, if not cosmic, garage sale. Everything that doesn't work, that's broken or that is just out-dated has to go.

The most obvious things that most folks don't want to let go of are relationships that have served their purpose. Even ones that are painful, even abusive, seem to be difficult for us to part with. Here's my question: why would anyone settle for an abusive relatioship when being alone would perhaps be happier in the long run? The only answer I can come up with is that we don't realize that an abusive relationship is abusive! Somehow, we fall into the trap of thinking it's normal because we carry old programs that make us believe we don't deserve any better or that we have to suffer and struggle or that we just aren't lovable anyway. BS.

Reality is that as we move further down the path to Ascension, higher in consciousness, it is going to become more apparent (and probably more painful) that we are not supposed to hang on to people, places or situations that aren't supporting our happiness and our highest good. The Universe WANTS us to be happy, not miserable, but each of us must create that for ourselves.

In the end, we will probably not hang on to anything. The doorway to living in bliss, joy, peace and abundance is a very narrow one, and all the excess baggage makes for a tight squeeze!

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