Friday, October 22, 2010

Stop The B.S.

Most of us are up to our hips in it. We don't know where it came from. We didn't realize we were gettingstuck in it until it was too late. But that is exactly what it is doing - keeping us from moving forward and manifesting all those things we really want in our lives. Bummer!

So what IS all this B.S.? Belief Systems.

Belief systems are one of the most important things we should be looking at at this point on our pathway to Ascension. They have come to us from so many places - religion, our families, the media, modern medicine, school, just to name a few. By and large, we have accepted them without ever questioning their veracity, just because we learned them from some source we considered to be an authority, and we have crafted a whole reality around them. What were we thinking?

In the last two months, almost everything I thought was true has been called into question. The very fabric of my personal reality has been shredded and I'm now in the process of building a new one for myself. But this time, I am doing things differently. I refuse to accept any belief system as true until a) I research it and b) decide for myself whether I resonate with it.

In this way, I'm taking responsibility for what's inside my head and becoming accountable for my own reality. Another part of this for me is that I will no longer try to push my beliefs onto others without making it clear that that's what they are - MY beliefs. I have no problem sharing them, but now I acknowledge that what I teach is my belief and the listener's responsibility is to make their own choices around that.

What can you do to find the B.S. that doesn't serve you anymore? Try making a list of everything you think is true and evaluating each entry within your own heart to see how it resonates. If it doesn't, let it go and replace it with something that does!

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