Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nature's Rhythms

It's a crisp, cool morning at my little cabin in the mountains. Fall is finally here, and as I sit on my deck meditating, I hear familiar rhythms. The woodpeckers are unusually busy today! Their rat-tat-tat reminds me that I can accomplish so much more when I do it in even, consistent steps.

It's so easy to get distracted these days. There is so much going on, isn't there? Alot of the time when I review my Daily Five list at the end of the day, I find I only got to number 3 or 4! When I move with the rhythm of nature, like the woodpecker, and keep my forward motion steady as a heartbeat, I find I get much more done and I feel better as I relax and move toward dreamtime.

What is the Daily Five, you might ask? It's a tool I learned from Robin Sharma as I was preparing to interview him this week about his new book, The Leader Who Had No Title. He suggests that we get up an hour early each day and use that time to meditate and consciously create the happenings of the day. He says to make a list of the top 5 things you want to accomplish. Previously, I might make a to-do lsit of 10 - 20 things and then beat myself up at the end of the day when I ony got 4 or 5 of them done. Now, more often than not, I can complete the list by staying focused and on task and as I lay down to sleep at night I remember that I am a WINNER!

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