Monday, October 18, 2010

Feeling Sluggish?

Many of us have been feeling a bit sluggish recently. The shifting energy (101010 perhaps?) has created this illusion that we are stuck, but that is hardly the case! So much is happening on a planetary level, just outside the realm of our consciousness - and it is all good! This is a time of adjustment, realignment and integration. It's all part of the Universal Guidelines--specifically the one about Rhythm (see yesterday's post as well). The Guideline of Rhythm suggests that there is an ebb and flow to everything. Remember the song from the Byrds from the 60's? To everything there is a season. We have periods of activity and they must be followed by periods of rest.

So it is with consciousness raising and enlightenment--we have just been through a period of INTENSE vibrational shift and now we must rest and allow it all to sort out in our bodies and fields. If we don't stay in alignment with that Guideline of Rhythm, then guess what happens? Nature will push us to slow down! That is when we find ourself getting sick. Our immune systems become weak and the ol' vibrational flu plops us in the bed!

Another piece to this puzzle is astrological actually. We are in a period of planetary influence that occurs every eight years. In the sky, the relationship between the rotation of Earth and the orbit of Venus makes it look like Venus is going backward. Astrologers call this Venus Retrograde. This is a time when we are supported in evaluating ALL our relationships to see which ones work and which ones don't, what's fair and what isn't. This backward pull is also contributing to the sluggishness. It isn't an auspicious time to begin new relationships either, because people who appear in your life now and look "too good to be true" , probably ARE! This transit will continue through mid-November, and then things will begin to move forward once more.

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